Want to know more?
Bio-checker Skal
European organic and general labelling legislation impose requirements on visible characteristics that are, for example, on a label of an organic product or on the proof of transport of a load of organic products. How do you know whether you are using the correct mandatory features and whether the feature is also visually well presented?
The Skal Biocontrole bio-checker will guide you through these mandatory features. You immediately check and see which features are compulsory, with the corresponding substantiation.

Position paper on the Management of Pesticide residues in Organic products
With this paper IFOAM aims to propose a harmonized approach to the management of residue cases under the relevant rules set by the EU Organic Regulation by operators and by control bodies/authorities. You can find the paper here.

On EU Policy
Find more information about the EU policies that affect the Organic business. Varying from the Green Deal to the From farm to Fork-strategy.

On Case Law
Are you interested in EU case law on Organic Regulation? Please choose your Regulation, go to "Document Information" (left side menu), and scroll down for "Affected by case" to find the related EU Case law:
- A28P2 Interpreted by 62016CJ0289
- article 28 paragraph 2 Preliminary question submitted by 62016CN0289
- A14P1LBPT8 Interpreted by 62017CJ0497
- A03 Interpreted by 62017CJ0497
- Preliminary question submitted by 62017CN0497

On IFOAM Organics Europe
IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. We represent organic in European policymaking and advocate for a transformation of food and farming.

On the SKAL Foundation
Skal Biocontrole is the independent organization that monitors the organic chain in the Netherlands. They are both a CB and the supervisory authority in The Netherlands and have a useful website on the New Organic Regulation filled with relevant info.

The BioBorrel
The BioBorrel is a network group organising regular drinks and events for anyone involved in the organic sector. From processors to retailers. From farmer to interested layman. The BioBorrel aims to make our food more sustainable and basically takes place every season.

Aims & Goals of EU Organic Food Law
"In view of the objectives of the Union’s organic production policy, the legal framework established for implementing that policy should aim at ensuring fair competition and the proper functioning of the internal market in organic products, at maintaining and justifying consumer confidence in products labelled as organic, and at providing conditions under which the policy can progress in line with production and market developments."
New Organic Regulation (EU) 848/2018